These functions will allow more user control, though in most circumstances, it should be unnecessary to call them directly.

  standAlone = TRUE,
  libPaths = NULL,
  updateRprofile = getOption("Require.updateRprofile", FALSE),
  overwrite = FALSE,
  envir = environment(),
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose", 1L),

  overwrite = FALSE,
  envir = environment(),
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose", 1L),

  overwrite = FALSE,
  envir = environment(),
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose", 1L),

  useGit = getOption("SpaDES.project.useGit", FALSE),
  overwrite = FALSE,
  envir = environment(),
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose", 1L),

  setLinuxBinaryRepo = TRUE,
  envir = environment(),

  overwrite = FALSE,
  envir = environment(),
  verbose = getOption("Require.verbose", 1L),

  gitignore = getOption("SpaDES.project.gitignore", TRUE),

setupStudyArea(studyArea, paths, envir)



Optional. If supplied, the name of the project. If not supplied, an attempt will be made to extract the name from the paths[["projectPath"]]. If this is a GitHub project, then it should indicate the full Github repository and branch name, e.g., "PredictiveEcology/WBI_forecasts@ChubatyPubNum12"


a list with named elements, specifically, modulePath, projectPath, packagePath and all others that are in SpaDES.core::setPaths() (i.e., inputPath, outputPath, scratchPath, cachePath, rasterTmpDir). Each of these has a sensible default, which will be overridden but any user supplied values. See setup.


A logical. If TRUE, then the current directory is inside the paths[["projectPath"]].


A logical. Passed to Require::standAlone. This keeps all packages installed in a project-level library, if TRUE. Default is TRUE.


Deprecated. Use paths = list(packagePath = ...).


Logical. Should the paths$packagePath be set in the .Rprofile file for this project. Note: if paths$packagePath is within the tempdir(), then there will be a warning, indicating this won't persist. If the user is using Rstudio and the paths$projectPath is not the root of the current Rstudio project, then a warning will be given, indicating the .Rprofile may not be read upon restart.


Logical vector or character vector, however, only getModule will respond to a vector of values. If length-one TRUE, then all files that were previously downloaded will be overwritten throughout the sequence of setupProject. If a vector of logical or character, these will be passed to getModule: only the named modules will be overwritten or the logical vector of the modules. NOTE: if a vector, no other file specified anywhere in setupProject will be overwritten except a module that/those names, because only setupModules is currently responsive to a vector. To have fine grained control, a user can just manually delete a file, then rerun.


An environment within which to look for objects. If called alone, the function should use its own internal environment. If called from another function, e.g., setupProject, then the envir should be the internal transient environment of that function.


Numeric or logical indicating how verbose should the function be. If -1 or -2, then as little verbosity as possible. If 0 or FALSE, then minimal outputs; if 1 or TRUE, more outputs; 2 even more. NOTE: in Require function, when verbose >= 2, the return object will have an attribute: attr(.., "Require") which has lots of information about the processes of the installs.


Any other named objects passed as a list a user might want for other elements.


A named list of any arbitrary R objects. These can be supplied to give default values to objects that are otherwise passed in with the ..., i.e., not specifically named for these setup* functions. If named objects are supplied as top-level arguments, then the defaultDots will be overridden. This can be particularly useful if the arguments passed to ... do not always exist, but rely on external e.g., batch processing to optionally fill them. See examples.


further named arguments that acts like objects, but a different way to specify them. These can be anything. The general use case is to create the objects that are would be passed to SpaDES.core::simInit, or SpaDES.core::simInitAndSpades, (e.g. studyAreaName or objects) or additional objects to be passed to the simulation (in older versions of SpaDES.core, these were passed as a named list to the objects argument). Order matters. These are sequentially evaluated, and also any arguments that are specified before the named arguments e.g., name, paths, will be evaluated prior to any of the named arguments, i.e., "at the start" of the setupProject. If placed after the first named argument, then they will be evaluated at the end of the setupProject, so can access all the packages, objects, etc.


Optional. This can be an expression or one or more file names or a code chunk surrounded by {...}. If a non-text file name is specified (e.g., not .txt or .R currently), these files will simply be downloaded, using their relative path as specified in the github notation. They will be downloaded or accessed locally at that relative path. If these file names represent scripts (*.txt or .R), this/these will be parsed and evaluated, but nothing is returned (i.e., any assigned objects are not returned). This is intended to be used for operations like cloud authentication or configuration functions that are run for their side effects only.


Optional. This will be returned if supplied; if supplied, the values can be used in e.g., params, e.g., params = list(mod = list(startTime = times$start)). See help for SpaDES.core::simInit.


Optional. Either a named list to be passed to options or a character vector indicating one or more file(s) to source, in the order provided. These will be parsed locally (not the .GlobalEnv), so they will not create globally accessible objects. NOTE: options is run 2x within setupProject, once before setupPaths and once after setupPackages. This occurs because many packages use options for their behaviour (need them set before e.g., Require::require is run; but many packages also change options at startup. See details. See setup.


a character string of modules to pass to getModule. These should be one of: simple name (e.g., fireSense) which will be searched for locally in the paths[["modulePath"]]; or a GitHub repo with branch (GitHubAccount/Repo@branch e.g., "PredictiveEcology/Biomass_core@development"); or a character vector that identifies one or more (not optional file extension) .R file(s) (local or GitHub) to parse that will produce a character vector assigned to the name "modules". If the entire project is a git repository, then it will not try to re-get these modules; instead it will rely on the user managing their git status outside of this function. See setup.


A logical. If TRUE, it will use git clone and git checkout to get and change branch for each module, according to its specification in modules. Otherwise it will download modules with getModules. NOTE: CREATING A GIT REPOSITORY AT THE PROJECT LEVEL AND SETTING MODULES AS GIT SUBMODULES IS NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. IT IS FINE IF THE PROJECT HAS BEEN MANUALLY SET UP TO BE A GIT REPOSITORY WITH SUBMODULES: THIS FUNCTION WILL ONLY EVALUTE PATHS. This can be set with the option(SpaDES.project.useGit = xxx).


Optional. A vector of packages that must exist in the libPaths. This will be passed to Require::Install, i.e., these will be installed, but not attached to the search path. See also the require argument. To force skip of package installation (without assessing modules), set packages = NULL


A named list, where names are the module names, and the elements of the list are packages in a form that Require::Require accepts.


Optional. A character vector of packages to install and attach (with Require::Require). These will be installed and attached at the start of setupProject so that a user can use these during setupProject. See setup


Logical. Should the binary RStudio Package Manager be used on Linux (ignored if Windows)


Optional. Similar to options, however, this named list will be returned, i.e., there are no side effects. See setup.


Logical. Only has an effect if the paths$projectPath is a git repositories without submodules. This case is ambiguous what a user wants. If TRUE, the default, then paths$modulePath will be added to the .gitignore file. Can be controled with options(SpadES.project.gitignore = ...).


Optional. If a list, it will be passed to geodata::gadm. To specify a country other than the default "CAN", the list must have a named element, "country". All other named elements will be passed to gadm. 2 additional named elements can be passed for convenience, subregion = "...", which will be grepped with the column NAME_1, and epsg = "...", so a user can pass an code to reproject the studyArea. See examples.


setupPaths returns a list of paths that are created. projectPath will be assumed to be the base of other non-temporary and non-R-library paths. This means that all paths that are directly used by simInit are assumed to be relative to the projectPath. If a user chooses to specify absolute paths, then they will be returned as is. It is also called for its side effect which is to call setPaths, with each of these paths as an argument. See table for details.

setupSideEffects is run for its side effects (e.g., web authentication, custom package options that cannot use base::options), with deliberately nothing returned to user. This, like other parts of this function, attempts to prevent unwanted outcomes that occur when a user uses e.g., source without being very careful about what and where the objects are sourced to.

setupOptions is run for its side effects, namely, changes to the options(). The list of modified options will be added as an attribute (attr(out, "projectOptions")), e.g., so they can be "unset" by user later.

setupModules is run for its side effects, i.e., downloads modules and puts them into the paths[["modulePath"]]. It will return a named list, where the names are the full module names and the list elemen.ts are the R packages that the module depends on (reqsPkgs)

setupPackages is run for its side effects, i.e., installing packages to paths[["packagePath"]].

setupParams prepares a named list of named lists, suitable to be passed to the params argument of simInit.

setupGitIgnore is run for its side effects, i.e., adding either paths$packagePath

and/or paths$modulePath to the .gitignore file. It will check whether packagePath is located inside the paths$projectPath and will add this folder to the .gitignore if TRUE. If the project is a git repository with git submodules, then it will add nothing else. If the project is a git repository without git submodules, then the paths$modulePath

will be added to the .gitignore file. It is assumed that these modules are used in a read only manner.

setupStudyArea will return an sf class object coming from geodata::gadm, with subregion specification as described in the studyArea argument.fsu


setPaths will fill in any paths that are not explicitly supplied by the user as a named list. These paths that can be set are: projectPath, packagePath, cachePath, inputPath, modulePath, outputPath, rasterPath, scratchPath, terraPath. These are grouped thematically into three groups of paths: projectPath and packagePath affect the project, regardless of whether a user uses SpaDES modules. cachePath, inputPath, outputPath and modulePath are all used by SpaDES within module contexts. scratchPath, rasterPath and terraPath are all "temporary" or "scratch" directories.

Most arguments in the family of setup* functions are run sequentially, even within the argument. Since most arguments take lists, the user can set values at a first value of a list, then use it in calculation of the 2nd value and so on. See examples. This "sequential" evaluation occurs in the ..., setupSideEffects, setupOptions, setupParams (this does not work for setupPaths) can handle sequentially specified values, meaning a user can first create a list of default options, then a list of user-desired options that may or may not replace individual values. This can create hierarchies, based on order.

setupOptions can handle sequentially specified values, meaning a user can first create a list of default options, then a list of user-desired options that may or may not replace individual values. Thus final values will be based on the order that they are provided.

setupModules will download all modules do not yet exist locally. The current test for "exists locally" is simply whether the directory exists. If a user wants to update the module, overwrite = TRUE must be set, or else the user can remove the folder manually.

setupPackages will read the modules' metadata reqdPkgs element. It will combine these with any packages passed manually by the user to packages, and pass all these packages to Require::Install(...).

setupGitIgnore will add.

setupStudyArea only uses inputPath within its paths argument, which will be passed to path argument of gadm. User can pass any named list element that matches the columns in the sf object, including e.g., NAME_1 and, if level = 2, is specified, then NAME_2.

setupStudyArea(list(NAME_1 = "Alberta", "NAME_2" = "Division No. 17", level = 2))


PathDefault if not supplied by userEffects
Project Level Paths
projectPathif getwd() is name, then just getwd; if not file.path(getwd(), name)If current project is not this project and using Rstudio, then the current project will close and a new project will open in the same Rstudio session, unless Restart = FALSE
packagePathfile.path(tools::R_user_dir("data"), name, "packages", version$platform, substr(getRversion(), 1, 3))appends this path to .libPaths(packagePath), unless standAlone = TRUE, in which case, it will set .libPaths(packagePath, = FALSE) to this path
Module Level Paths
cachePathfile.path(projectPath, "cache")options(reproducible.cachePath = cachePath)
inputPathfile.path(projectPath, "inputs")options(spades.inputPath = inputPath)
modulePathfile.path(projectPath, "modules")options(spades.inputPath = outputPath)
outputPathfile.path(projectPath, "outputs")options(spades.inputPath = modulePath)
Temporary Paths
scratchPathfile.path(tempdir(), name)
rasterPathfile.path(scratchPath, "raster")sets (rasterOptions(tmpdir = rasterPath))
terraPathfile.path(scratchPath, "terra")sets (terraOptions(tempdir = terraPath))
Other Paths
logPathfile.path(outputPath(sim), "log")sets options("spades.logPath") accessible by logPath(sim)
tilePathNot implemented yetNot implemented yet